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New ABPCO website high priority for future growth

Members agreed at the ‘Think Tank’ Weekend in Jersey that the development of the ABPCO website should be a high priority for the future growth and well-being of the Association.Ideas for key enhancements to the site included: Establish intranet for... Read more

1 Mar 2000

ABPCO Financial Reports December 1999

The Profit and Loss Account shows £4538 in 1999 was generated in subscriptions with an overall accumulated profit for the year of £1711.00 Read more

31 Dec 1999

ABPCO Objectives 1999

The principle objectives of members as detailed in the membership brochure: To meet for discussion on matters of common interest to professional organisers To train personnel directly or indirectly involved with the conference industry To be... Read more

17 Apr 1999

Educating Government and the hospitality industry

Other activities included a meeting with the Department of Trade & Industry about an EC Directive on Tourism and Travel on the TOMS scheme and how it affected  conferences.  As far as the government was concerned conferences came under... Read more

9 Jan 1998

Conference Management education

The next stage involved negotiations with Universities and Colleges to get the syllabus accepted and become part of either a degree or higher education course. In April 1997 the City of Westminster College in London showed serious interest and after... Read more

9 Apr 1997