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Joy Horsfield Gardner – Chair 2004-2006

Joy is the Managing Director of CHO Conferences Ltd and is also actively involved in educational initiatives related to the conference industry, including the HNC Business Studies (Conference Management) course at the City of Westminster... Read more

17 Jan 2004

Conference Organisers are urged to be prepared for disasters: Marketing Week

In a 3 page Marketing Week special report it was highlighted that the need for organisers to “be prepared” is one of the hot topics in the conference and exhibition industry.  Tony Rogers executive Director of ABPCO agrees…”it is an extremely... Read more

15 Jan 2004

ABPCO Recruits it’s 50th Member

ABPCO celebrates reaching a half century membership, having grown from less than 20 in the year 2000. David Campbell, MD of Banks Sadler Ltd and a past chairman of ABPCO commented; “this is quite an achievement, especially as we have maintained... Read more

17 Apr 2003

Annual ‘Think Tank’ Conference takes place overseas

The annual Think Tank Conference was held overseas for the first time at the Coral Beach Hotel in Paphos, Cyprus. Business sessions were organised to explore common problems and opportunities with the overall theme of Client... Read more

17 Mar 2003

Institute of Conference & Event Management

In 2003 the Education Group was tasked to look at the feasibility of setting up an Institute of Conference and Event Management.  With the range of diverse organisations all competing in the market place, the rationale behind the idea was to... Read more

17 Jan 2003