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Learn about Membership Types

Joining ABPCO

Our members tell us that they join, and remain, as ABPCO members because our values are at the heart of everything we do. We really try to bring the association events community together to promote and encourage excellence, share, learn and collaborate.  

If more than one member signs up from the same organisation,  then we are pleased to offer 25% off the subsequent renewal payments for the second and any subsequent members.

Learn more about the benefits See a snapshot of what our members think

Full member (5+ years' experience)


A minimum of 5 years’ experience and a minimum of 2 years as a proprietor, partner, director or senior manager of a conference organising business or as the director or senior manager of a conference organising unit attached to a professional or trade association, educational institution, official body, or corporation.

Generally a decision maker or key influencer with responsibility for the management and/or delivery of events



  • Licensed use of the ABPCO member logo and certificate - an industry 'Quality Mark'

Professional Profile

  • Member profile on the website (including logo, summary, member details)
  • Post your press releases on the ABPCO website and have them shared on the ABPCO social channels
  • Voting rights within ABPCO and the opportunity to join the Executive board (elected position)


  • Access to engage on the on-line member forum - ask for advice or recommendations and share your experiences with the focused community
  • Ability to network with other key association and not-for-profit event decision-makers and our industry members and partners who can  clearly demonstrate their skills and knowledge in supporting major UK and international conferences
  • Open invitation to join the monthly 'coffee and chat' virtual meetings - an opportunity to connect with like-minded colleagues, share best practice and exchange knowledge.


  • Receive the monthly learning update so that you can be signposted to the opportunities available
  • Attend all scheduled roundtables and panel discussions - these are peer to peer forums for conference organisers to come together and share best practice.  They give an opportunity  to share recent experiences and, importantly, to formulate a collective view of the common challenges that lie ahead.
  • Invitation to participate in any familiarisation trips that are open to ABPCO members and organised by our industry partners and members.  These take in venues and destinations that have a new space, technology or service to offer to PCOs.
  • Submit for an ABPCO Excellence award, and attend the ceremony.  The awards recognise and celebrate industry best practice.
  • Benefit from a reduced member price for the Festival of Learning
  • Access to the member resource area of the website for papers and resources, research and collateral relevant to our membership community.
  • Regular updates on the Member Forum - giving relevant industry knowledge to help support with current logistical and macro-economic challenges.
  • Receive a discounted rate for some of the IAPCO learning packages that they offer.

Thought Leadership

  • Contribute towards opinion piece articles for both internal ABPCO communications and for business and trade media on issues facing our industry.
  • Join an ABPCO task-force to help progress a range of projects relevant to our community, these could be economic, social or environmental.

Business Benefits

  • Receive relevant tender opportunities via the 'Find an organiser' facility.
  • Post your events role vacancies on the ABPCO web-site and have them shared on our social media channels at no cost.
  • Receive 15 minute free VAT advice with an industry expert.

Subscription – £325.00 + VAT per annum

Application Process for Full and Associate ABPCO Membership

On the membership application form, applicants should nominate two people who are familiar with their conference organising activities (one an association client/committee chair and one a venue). Referees should be able to provide a fair assessment of the applicant’s capabilities.

Upon submission, the form will be sent to the ABPCO Association Director, who will acknowledge receipt immediately. Applications will be reviewed by the Association Director and Accreditation Committee and referees will be contacted. Applicants will normally be notified of the outcome of their application within 4 weeks of receipt.  An invoice will be issued once satisfactory references and agreement to the code of conduct have been received. The applicant will be qualified as a member once payment has been received.

Apply as Full Member


Associate Member (2-5 years' experience)


A minimum of 2 years’ experience in the organisation of all services required for the preparation and running of conferences, seminars and/or other meetings.

Generally an events manager reporting to a senior manager



  • Licensed use of the ABPCO member logo and certificate - an industry 'Quality Mark'

Professional Profile

  • Member profile on the website (inlcuding logo, summary, member details)
  • Post your press releases on the ABPCO website and have them shared on the ABPCO social channels
  • Voting rights within ABPCO and the opportunity to join the Executive board (elected position)


  • Access to engage on the on-line member forum - ask for advice or recommendations and share your experiences with the focused community
  • Ability to network with other key association and not-for-profit event decision-makers and our industry members and partners who can  clearly demonstrate their skills and knowledge in supporting major UK and international conferences
  • Open invitation to join the monthly 'coffee and chat' virtual meetings - an opportunity to connect with like-minded colleagues, share best practice and exchange knowledge.


  • Receive the monthly learning update so that you can be signposted to the opportunities available
  • Attend all scheduled roundtables and panel discussions - these are peer to peer forums for conference organisers to come together and share best practice.  They give an opportunity  to share recent experiences and, importantly, to formulate a collective view of the common challenges that lie ahead.
  • Invitation to participate in any familiarisation trips that are open to ABPCO members and organised by our industry partners and members.  These take in venues and destinations that have a new space, technology or service to offer to PCOs.
  • Submit for an ABPCO Excellence award, and attend the ceremony.  The awards recognise and celebrate industry best practice.
  • Benefit from a reduced member price for the Festival of Learning
  • Access to the member resource area of the website for papers and resources, research and collateral relevant to our membership community.
  • Regular updates on the Member Forum - giving relevant industry knowledge to help support with current logistical and macro-economic challenges.
  • Receive a discounted rate for some of the IAPCO learning packages that they offer.

Thought Leadership

  • Contribute towards opinion piece articles for both internal ABPCO communications and for business and trade media on issues facing our industry.
  • Join an ABPCO task-force to help progress a range of projects relevant to our community, these could be economic, social or environmental.

Business Benefits

  • Post your events role vacancies on the ABPCO web-site and have them shared on our social media channels at no cost.
  • Receive 15 minute free VAT advice with an industry expert.

Subscription – £215.00 + VAT per annum

Application Process for Full and Associate ABPCO Membership

On the membership application form, applicants should nominate two people who are familiar with their conference organising activities (one a client/committee chair and one a venue). Referees should be able to provide a fair assessment of the applicant’s capabilities.

Upon submission, the form will be sent to the ABPCO Association Director, who will acknowledge receipt immediately. Applications will be reviewed by the Association Director and Accreditation Committee and referees will be contacted. Applicants will normally be notified of the outcome of their application within 4 weeks of receipt.  An invoice will be issued once satisfactory references and agreement to the code of conduct have been received. The applicant will be qualified as a member once payment has been received.

Apply as Associate Member


entry level member (up to 2 years' experience)


We offer an excellent opportunity to join ABPCO through our entry level membership open to recent graduates and those with less than 2 years in the association events' industry at a junior level.

Generally a junior executive in an events team who is aspiring to develop their career as a professional conference organiser.  


  • The opportunity to network with ABPCO conference & event organiser members & potential members through our events programme & social networking presence on Facebook & Linked-In
  • Progression to Full or Associate Membership if applicable once satisfying the relevant criteria
  • A free place at ABPCO events that are held virtually, and a discounted member rate for the in-person events.
  • Networking with potential employers across all sectors of the industry
  • Learning from experienced conference and event professionals
  • Getting advice and assistance on how to get ahead from top conference and event experts
  • Gaining practical work experience opportunities from fellow ABPCO Members
  • Getting assistance with research projects from ABPCO Members
  • Receiving up the minute information and training on the practical industry issues
  • A profile page on the ABPCO web-site
  • Opportunity to take part in our ABPCO mentorship scheme 
  • Ability to post job vacancies on the ABPCO web site and across our social media channels FOC
  • Full use of the ABPCO app – be part of the community
  • Representation on the Business Visits & Events Partnership, a collective of all industry bodies involved in business tourism for the purpose of influencing change through the legislative process

Subscription – £100.00 + VAT per annum

Apply as Entry Level Member


Industry member/partner


In order to protect the quality and integrity of our members, industry membership is confined to those suppliers to the association and not-for-profit market who are able to clearly demonstrate their skills and knowledge in supporting major UK and international conferences. As part of the application process we require relevant references, and ask you to a presentation and discussion session with our accreditation committee.


Why join ABPCO?

  • Stay relevant and visible within the national association meeting community. ABPCO members are the core client base for national association meetings – this gives you the opportunity to be visible, communicate and collaborate with your target national association client base
  • Learn, understand and be more informed on meeting organisers challenges, issues and expectations, so you can better meet their needs as a key supplier
  • ABPCO has a strong industry presence and voice and is collaborating with other associations and government bodies to highlight the value, socially and economically, of association meetings and meeting professionals.  To see the scale of the ABPCO membership, and their economic impact in 2023 see the report here.

To learn more - please download our brochure here  ABPCO Industry Member and Partner Packages

Subscription – 

Industry Member £1750.00 + VAT per annum  Apply as Industry Member

Industry Partner £5000.00 + VAT per annum Apply as Industry Partner


Academic department member


University Departments offering events management courses approved by ABPCO.  It is envisaged that any courses will have run for at least one academic year before they are eligible for membership.


  • Membership of ABPCO included, for two nominated staff members
  • Access to ABPCO members for teaching (guest lecture), research, internship and advisory purposes
  • Supporting dissertations and live projects with ideas for topics and research
  • Opportunities for your students to speak at the annual Festival of Learning
  • Help to broaden your students knowledge on the careers available
  • An opportunity to promote university research, CPD and other activities relating to business engagement via the ABPCO network.
  • Opportunity for a free delegate place at all virtual ABPCO meetings and events.
  • Opportunity to host regional roundtable for students and academic staff to network with ABPCO members.
  • Benefit from a reduced member price for the Festival of Learning

The fee will be £350 ex VAT per annum, plus an initial one off joining fee of £40 ex VAT.

Apply as Academic Department Member


academic student member


We are offering an excellent opportunity to join this unique group through our university student membership open to under-graduates.  You must be in full time education to apply for this membership type.

This membership gives you the opportunity to network with ABPCO conference ad event organiser members through our events programme & social networking presence on Facebook and LinkedIn.


  • Progression to Full or Associate Membership if applicable once satisfying the relevant criteria
  • A free place at ABPCO events  - virtual roundtables, the AGM and the coffee and chat sessions
  • Benefit from a reduced member price for the Festival of Learning
  • Networking with potential employers across all sectors of the industry
  • Learning from experienced conference and event professionals
  • Getting advice and assistance on how to get ahead from top conference and event experts
  • Gaining practical work experience opportunities from fellow ABPCO Members
  • Getting assistance with research projects from ABPCO Members
  • Receiving up to the minute information and training on the practical industry issues
  • A profile listing on the ABPCO web-site

Subscription – £25.00 inc VAT per annum

Apply as Academic Student Member


ABPCO membership is considered the Quality Mark amongst clients looking to seek the services of professional conference organisers and increasingly those seeking to recruit quality individuals to in-house roles. The ABPCO brand is a recognised sign of excellence in the meetings and events sector. We recognise skills and experience by offering accreditation through peer assessment, irrespective of academic qualifications. ABPCO accredited members must demonstrate significant experience at a senior level before attaining full PCO membership code of practice.