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New values lead to further benefits for ABPCO members

Following ABPCO’s decision to adopt Excellence, Learning and Belonging as its core values, the association has responded to several other member suggestions that will add significant value to its offering over the coming year.“Each of our new... Read more

1 Sep 2017

ABPCO delivers more than 40,000 delegate days to its membership

Associations looking for professional conference organisers can use the ABPCO website and secretariat to identify and request RFPs from possible professional conference organisers.  During the last four months, this has totalled 10 events which... Read more

23 Aug 2017

You said, we did – ABPCO listens to members

Following research across its membership, ABPCO has responded to requests to be clearer than ever about its values and position in the market.“Each year we like to be able to turn to our members and say – you said, so we did.  2017 is no... Read more

12 Jul 2017

Exhibition best practice takes centre stage at ABPCO round table

ABPCO members met last week at the ICC Birmingham to discuss the place and impact of exhibitions as part of association events.  The round table discussion was an opportunity to share best practice and develop ideas to improve the exhibitions... Read more

3 Jul 2017

ABPCO sees membership increase by 20 per cent

The Association of British Professional Conference Organisers (ABPCO), has experienced a significant increase in interest from event organisers and industry suppliers looking to join a professional organisation and, as a result, has seen membership... Read more

15 Mar 2017