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ABPCO announces seven day Festival of Learning

From 1-9 December, ABPCO will deliver more than 25 sessions of content to association, conference, meeting and event professionals, at a hybrid Festival of Learning.The first six days (1-3 & 6-8 Dec) will be delivered virtually, whilst the final... Read more

11 Oct 2021

Launch of Go Greener in Glasgow

Glasgow Convention Bureau launches a new support service for conference organisers looking to host a more sustainable meeting in the city. The Go Greener in Glasgow initiative brings to life the ambitions of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN... Read more

7 Oct 2021

The ‘green team’ strikes again at the ICC

The ICC is celebrating its green credentials after receiving the coveted ISO14001:2015 certification for the 10th year in a row. The certification is designed to help organisations manage their environmental responsibilities in a systematic... Read more

6 Oct 2021

Meet Cambridge Holds ‘Welcome Back’ Drinks Reception

After 18 months of restrictions on holding in-person events, the official conference and meetings bureau for Cambridge and the surrounding area has celebrated the gradual return to live events by holding a drinks reception for clients and venue... Read more

5 Oct 2021

isla Members vote in the new Advisory Board for 2021 - 22.

The event industry body isla has entered its second year and with this has welcomed in a new Advisory Board to facilitate the aims and ambitions of the organisation over the coming 12 months.Elected from the membership base, isla has announced today... Read more

5 Oct 2021