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Formalisation talks begin

By November 1982 talks on becoming a formal structure really began and these continued until February 1985 when lawyers were appointed to draft the Memorandum & Articles of Association which led to the formalisation of the Company in March 1987. Read more

1 Nov 1982

Founder members

The Association of British Professional Conference Organisers name was accepted and registered on 25th November 1981The founder members were;Diana Ambrose, Conference Services LtdAnn Cook, ConEXion (Conference & Exhibition Services) LtdJan... Read more

25 Nov 1981

The formation of ABPCO

It all began in 1981 when a number of conference organisers had been approached by an entrepreneur, to canvas their opinion as to the need for an organisation  for professional conference organisers (PCOs) in the UK.  A formal organisation... Read more

17 Jan 1981