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GES Underlines True Significance of Data-Led Approach to ESG

GES Underlines True Significance of Data-Led Approach to ESG

Global Event Specialist Focuses on Carpets as Leading Example of Future Analysis

GES has called for greater investment into data-led ESG insight, having identified huge opportunities for the industry to improve its emissions reporting and understanding. Using event flooring as a clear case study, the business discovered that by collecting product specific emissions data for event flooring, manufacturing emissions were up to 44% less than emissions previously calculated using standard DEFRA material emissions factors.

The calculations are possible because GES is not only investing in more sustainable materials, but also dedicating time and resources to sourcing accurate data to back them up.  This means the team no longer need to rely on the DEFRA emission factors and - by having accurate calculations - can start reporting more accurately and in turn truly understand the industry’s exact impact.

GES has partnered with sustainability experts, Seismic, to support the cradle to gate analysis and implores the industry to invest more in its own research to help inform and educate choices.

“These early findings suggest that we need to dig a little deeper and be more specific in the analysis of our impact – and specifically our carbon emissions. Not only are we discovering discrepancies when we consider event supplies in their own right, there are also differences between the range of products at our disposal,” said Kate Holliday, GES’ Head of ESG. “By gaining a clearer understanding of the exact impact of the products we’re using, we can better inform organisers of their choices at the point of purchase rather than post event, when it’s too late.”

As part of the team’s ongoing analysis they have assessed five different flooring products including the fully recyclable Rewind carpet, which GES has been using for the past year.  To further inform client’s purchasing decisions, the team has also introduced a calculator that helps organisers understand their impact at the point of purchase as opposed to post event.

“This is just the start of this work, but we can’t do it alone. We need our peers to similarly invest in their own research so that we can share our learnings for the greater good of the industry,” added Holliday. “It will also allow us all to develop our net zero plans and invest in the right technology to make a difference.”


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