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New Report Reveals Stark DE&I Reality in Events Industry- 40% Doubt Leadership Sincerity

New Report Reveals Stark DE&I Reality in Events Industry- 40% Doubt Leadership Sincerity

Diversity Alliance, in partnership with CVENT and M&IT, releases a groundbreaking report revealing a significant gap between Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility (DEIBA) rhetoric and reality in the meetings and events industry

The "Driving Success Through Diversity: Data Report 2024", provides an in-depth look at the current state of DEIBA within event organisations, drawing upon surveys, interviews, and industry data. The research identified four key pillars for driving successful DEIBA initiatives: a commitment to workplace change, equal opportunities, cultivating inclusion through belonging, and eliminating barriers and biases to be more equitable.

Despite public statements promoting and supporting  DEIBA, the report uncovers a significant disconnect between rhetoric and reality in the events industry. 59% of people don’t feel their organisation values DEIBA and 40% doubt leadership sincerity. The report also highlights a lack of awareness and engagement with DEIBA initiatives, with only 35% of respondents fully aware of their workplace's efforts.

Surprisingly, the events industry lags behind other sectors in this regard. Given that event professionals are known for their creativity, innovation, and boundary-pushing, it’s surprising that the industry falls short. Leadership is often looked to for setting the example and fostering inclusive environments. However, it's frequently the stigmas within the workforce and middle management that are harder to overcome - shares Anupa White, Co-Founder & Director Principal Global Events.

Gabrielle Austen Browne, Founder of Diversity Alliance, states: "This report serves as a wake-up call for our industry. We must move beyond lip service and commit to meaningful, systemic change, rather than service level activities. By sharing best practices and actionable recommendations, we hope to empower organisations and individuals at all levels to drive success through diversity."

Employee engagement and retention are still heavily influenced by DEIBA efforts, even as these initiatives face criticism, backlash and misrepresentation in workplaces, media, and society at large.

The report offers actionable recommendations for organisations at all stages of their DEIBA journey. For those just starting out, developing and communicating a clear DEIBA statement to all stakeholders is crucial. More experienced organisations are advised to implement diverse hiring and promotion practices to build truly inclusive workplaces. These steps, among others outlined in the report, provide a roadmap for meaningful change in the events industry. 

A more representative industry will better serve diverse audiences, leading to more engaging events and a commitment to DEIBA principles can enhance reputation, attract talent, and drive sustainable growth.

Felicia Asiedu, Marketing Director at CVENT, emphasises the importance of this work: "At CVENT, we recognise that DEIBA is not just a moral imperative, but a business necessity. By fostering inclusive environments and leveraging diverse perspectives, we can unlock innovation, better serve our clients, and create a more equitable industry for all."

Paul Harvey, Editor at M&IT, adds: "M&IT is proud to support this crucial research. As an industry, we have a responsibility to hold ourselves accountable and take concrete steps towards building a more diverse, inclusive future. This report provides a roadmap for change, and we encourage all industry professionals to engage with its findings and recommendations."

The full report is available for download at Diversity Alliance


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