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Ten unconventional interpretations of kindness in

Ten unconventional interpretations of kindness in

Kindly provided by ABPCO member Elizabeth Filippouli of Global Thinkers Forum

In April 2020 a group of executive women and others came together to explore the notion of ‘Kindness in Leadership’ in times of crisis. Spurred by these conversations and together with Dr Marc J Ventresca at the University of Oxford and with Saïd Business School, University of Oxford EMBA colleagues Stephanie Gnissios and Shawn McQueen-Ruggeiro we embarked on a journey to discover ten unconventional interpretations of kindness in leadership in times of crisis. Our aspiration was to go beyond the traditional interpretations such as affection, charity, courtesy, gentleness, or sweetness. We are in the midst of extraordinary times — times that demand action, decision making, courage, compassion and confidence. Many thanks to John O'Brien MBE and Omnicom Media Group hosting our efforts to reposition kindness as a strategic choice and organisational culture in the current edition of ONE HUNDRED Agency EMEA. Crediting Emma SergeantVanella Jackson and Hall & Partners for bringing together a group of enlightened leaders including Pinky Lilani CBE DL #leadership #diversity #womenleaders #kindness #strategicleadership #workplacewellness #humancapitaldevelopment #caringforothers

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