BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ABPCO After Hours - at the Barbican UID:187 DESCRIPTION:Join fellow ABPCO members and peers for an evening of networking, knowledge sharing and light refreshments from 5pm.\n\nKindly hosted by the Barbican in the Brasserie  \n\nOpen to all ABPCO members.\n\nWhy not bring a colleague? We are delighted to open these events up to attendees that are not ABPCO members but who might be interested in learning more about our wonderful community in a relaxed atmosphere.  Please do register them as well as our numbers are limited!\n\n DTSTART:20240626T160000Z DTEND:20240626T180000Z LOCATION:The Barbican, London END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR